Tri-Color (Spey Style) circa 1860
Classic Salmon Fly, Crustacean, Salmon Fly, Salmon/ Steelhead Fly, Saltwater Fly
Tied By Brent Jones
Hook: Kumoto Salmon/Steelhead K7988 #1/0
Thread: Semperfli 8/0 Classic Waxed
tag: Diamant 35m Metallic Silver
tail: Red Golden Pheasant Feather
rib: Uni-French Oval Tinsel XS, Silver & UTC Flat Mylar Tinsel Medium Silver
body: 3 equal parts of Seals Fur, Yellow/Blue/Scarlet
body hackle: Heron from the third turn
collar: Teal Flank
wing: Secondary Goose Quill Slips, Dee Style
head: Peacock Herl (core twisted) & Thread