The Sipper

The Sipper

Saltwater Fly

Tied By Darrell Olson

Hook: Gamakatsu SL12S Short Hook Size 1/0

Thread: Danville 210 Flat Waxed Thread – White



tail: Aqua Fur (can substitute with any craft fur) – White

flash: A Single Strand of Pearl Krystal Flash

body: EP 3″ Craft Fur Brush – Grey/White

Foam: Laminate 6mm (Gray) & 2mm (White) Foam with a Spray Adhesive or Super Glue, Shape is ½ inch X 1 inch

head: EP 1.5″ Minnow Head Brush

eyes: 3D Eyes


Trim and shape the Minnow Head Brush.

The Sipper does it all. Wakes, Chugs, Pops and most importantly it catches fish. With the unique head design this allows you to fish a top water fly where the fish can actually see the full baitfish profile subsurface. It has characteristics of a gurgler, a popper and a diver. You can scale this tie to match any size baitfish for your area or target species.

Use slow short constant twitches for a waking action to simulate a dying baitfish or use long aggressive strips for a popper and diver style action.

Redfish, Jacks, Snook, Bass and Juvenile Tarpon all love this fly.