Synthetic Bendback

Synthetic Bendback

Saltwater Fly

Tied By Darrell Olson

Hook: Umpqua XS435 Bendback Fly Hook, Size 4

Thread: Danville Fine Monofilament


weighted wire: 15 Wraps of 0.015 Lead-Free Wire

body: Lagartun Mini Flat Braid

underwing: Supreme Hair – White

flash: Wing N’ Flash – Ice Blue Pearl

wing: Supreme Hair – Shrimp

head: Fish Skull Fish-Mask #4 Clear

eyes: Fish Skill Living Eyes Earth 4mm

Markings: Pink Permanent Sharpie Marker


The synthetic bendback fly is my fifth fly in the Speckled Sea Trout 6-fly series.

These flies hit the water very softly, great for spooky shallow water fish. Even the large sizes are very easy ties, and very easy to cast. They look great in the water and the fish take them readily.

If you need this fly to sink fast for deep water areas you can wrap the hook shank with lead fuse wire before you tie in the wing, covering it with either chenille, flat braid or more simply just the tying thread.