Mini Foam Hopper

Mini Foam Hopper


Tied By Richard Harris

Hook: Daiichi 1180 12

Thread: Thread to match the body color 8/0-6/0


abdomen: Peacock herl

wing: Dear Hear

head: 2mm Foam over wing

post: Para post wing fluorescent orange

legs: Med round rubber silly legs, or skirting


  1. Cut a ¼” strip of foam and secure to the front of the hook with the bulk laying out over the eye.
  2. Tie in four peacock herl and wrap up the hook to form your body up tight against the foam tie –in point
  3. Cut a small stack of deer hair, align the tips and tie in just behind the foam and trim butt ends.
  4. Tie legs on either side where you secured the hair.
  5. Add a drop super glue at the base of the foam, pull back over the fly and tie down at the same point as the legs add a small amount of super glue then add the para post pull through the super glue then whip finish and trim off excess foam.