Little Brook Trout

Little Brook Trout

Classic Streamer

Tied By Darrell Olson

Hook: #6 – 12 Mustad 3665A, Size 6

Thread: Black 6/0 or 8/0



tail: Red Floss under Green Hackle Fibers

ribbing: Silver Flat Tinsel

body: Angora Goat Cream Dubbing

Throat: Sparse Orange Bucktail

underwing: Sparse White Bucktail

underwing 2: Sparse Orange Bucktail

wing: Sparse Bright Green Bucktail

topping: Grey Squirrel


From my understanding the Little Brook Trout is a fairly recent pattern has been tied in 1950s by Sam Slaymaker of Pennsylvania. Besides this bucktail streamer, Sam also is credited with a series of little trout flies like the Little Brown Trout and the Little Rainbow Trout. The concept of tying these streamers is to concentrate the primary colors of these species into the materials tied for the fly.

Brown Trout primary colors are yellow, orange, and a dark topping. For Rainbow Trout consider using white, pink, green, and a dark topping of some type.

Eyes (Optional): Jungle Cock or Painted White and Black