Jock Scott (Pryce-Tannatt
Classic Salmon Fly, Salmon Fly, Salmon Fly (Artistic)
Tied By Arthur Heffernan
Hook: 3/0 blind eye reworked from Mustad 3366
Thread: 6/0 flymaster white and black
tag: Silver tinsel(small)
tail: A topping and Indian Crow.
body: In two equal halves-first half, golden yellow floss butted with black herl, and veiled above and below with six or more Toucan feathers; second half, black Floss
rib: Fine oval silver tinsel over golden yellow floss, broader oval silver tinsel or flat silver tinsel and twist (in the large sizes) over the black Floss
body hackle: A black hackle over the black
wing: pair of black white-tipped Turkey tail strips (back to back); over these, but not entirely covering them, a ” mixed” sheath of ” married” strands of Peacock wing, yellow, scarlet, and blue Swan, Bustard, Florican, and Golden Pheasant tail; two strands of Peacock sword feather above; “married” narrow strips of Teal and barred Summer Duck On sides
sides: Jungle cock
cheeks: King fisher
throat: Gallina
horns: Blue and gold macaw