Jock Scott (Hale)

Jock Scott (Hale)

Classic Salmon Fly, Salmon Fly, Salmon Fly (Artistic)

Tied By Arthur Heffernan

Hook: 3/0 Harrison Bartleet by Byron Bjerke

Thread: 6/0 flymaster white and black


tag: Silver twist and light yellow floss.

butt: Black ostrich

tail: GP crest and Indian crow(sub)

body: In two equal sections: the first, light yellow floss, ribbed with fine silver tinsel; above and below are placed three or more toucan, according to size of hook, extending slightly beyond the butt, and followed by three or more turns of black herl; the second half black silk, with a natural black hackle down it, and ribbed with silver lace and silver tinsel.

wing: Two strips of black turkey, with white tips below; two strips of bustard and grey mallard, with strands of golden pheasant tail, peacock sword feather, red macaw, and blue and yellow dyed swan over, with two strips of mallard, and a topping

throat: Gallina

sides: Jungle cock

cheeks: King fisher

horns: Blue and gold macaw
