Gummy Minnow
Saltwater Fly
Tied By Darrell Olson
Hook: TMC 811S, size 2
Thread: White 210 Denier
weighted wire: 0.025 Lead-Free Wire – 20 Wraps
body flash: Saltwater Flashabou – Silver
body: Pearlescent Sili Skin
back: Moss Green Sili Skin
eyes: Super Pearl 3/16″ Stick On Eyes
overbody: Clear Sili Skin
Adhesive: Loon Hard Head
Use the adhesive along the seam of the gummy material.
Gummy Minnow is a simple fly pattern that imitates a small baitfish. It is made of a flexible rubber called Sili Skin that has a texture much like Gummy Bear candy. To make the fly, you cut strips of Sili Skin, fold them over a threaded hook, add stick-on eyes, and trim the fly to look like a minnow. The fly is available in a wide range of colors from Chartreuse to Brown and is perfect for fooling Stripers eating small bait on the surface or Albies pushing schools of bait.