

Salmon Fly, Salmon Fly (Artistic)

Tied By Arthur Heffernan

Hook: Reworked Mustad 3366

Thread: 6/0 Danville Flymaster white and black


tip: Gold Twist

tag: Red floss

tail: 2 toppings veiled with Jungle Cock and KingFisher

butt: Black Ostrich

body: 1/3 Silver Tinsel, veiled with Indian Crow(sub), butted with ostrich, rest black floss, gold twist, silver tinsel and black hackle

throat: Green Macaw

wing: Dark blue Macaw, Jungle Cock, 5 tippets, Enamelled Thrush(sub) and 3-4 toppings

horns: Red Macaw


Be sure to select as thin a feather you can find for the Macaw and try to find some GP tippet with more of a curve.  Be prepared to spend several hours on this one