F-C Cracklebadk

F-C Cracklebadk

Dry Fly, Emerger

Tied By Christian Andrews

Hook: #12 – 18 dry

Thread: black


body hackle: furnace – sized to hook and palmered sparsely

back: two Peacock herl

body: light olive dubbing


An Ed Story fly – F-C is Feather Craft

Lay down thread base 
Tie in dry furnace hackle by butt end at bend dull side out (so fibers lean toward eye when wrapped)
Tie in two Peacock herl at hook bend on top of hook
Dub a slender body with light olive dubbing
Lay herl forward over body and tie in behind eye; clip extra
Reverse palmer (fibers lean toward eye) hackle with sparse spirals; tie off; clip extra
Wrap head; whip finish; head cement