Cypert Minnow

Cypert Minnow


Tied By Christian Andrews

Hook: #2 – 10, 2x, 3x long

Thread: Red


body: chenille (red, black, green, white, etc)

tail: mylar tubing

overbody: mylar tubing

eyes: bead chain


Tie in eyes a hook gap behind hook eye
Take thread to bend of hook
Tie in chenille; pull chenille forward, under back eye, and back to tie in point
Thread wrap chenille at tie in point; pull chenille forward, over front eye, and back to tie in point; tie in, tie off, trim extra
Cut a piece of mylar tubing twice the hook length; fold in half; poke hook eye through the crease; stretch tubing back to hook bend both on top of and under hook shank; thread wrap over tubing at hook bend to secure; whip finish; head cement the knot
Pick out the tubing behind the hook bend to create the tail