Caddisfly Emerger
Tied By Christian Andrews
Hook: #10 – 16 dry
Thread: black 8/0
tail: dark, soft hackle fibers
body: two peacock herls (twist into rope)
wing: white duck quill
hackle: partridge
This fly is from The Basic Manual of Fly-Tying by Fling and Puterbaugh where the emphasis is on imitating nature.
Lay down a thread base wrapping to the hook bend
Tie in two peacock herls to the hook bend, twist the herls with a dubbing loop into a rope, make touching wraps forward to a good eye length behind the eye; tie off and clip extra
Tie in two sections of duck quill laying down back over the body the length of the hook; choose quill sections from opposing feathers about as wide as 1/3 the hook shank, stack two section together with concave sides facing each other; clip out extra
Tie in a partridge neck hackle; hackle should be 1 1/2 hook gap; two or three wraps depending on how long the hackle feather is; tie off; pinch back
Wrap a thread head; whip finish; head cement