Gordon (Hale)
Classic Salmon Fly, Salmon Fly (Artistic)
Tied By Arthur Heffernan
Hook: 3/0 blind Eye H-B by Connor McCracken
Thread: 6/0 flymaster white and black
tip: Silver Twist
tag: Orange silk
tail: GP crest and Indian Crow(sub)
body: Four turns medium orange floss, remainder medium claret floss.
rib: Silver tinsel and twist.
wing: Two tippets back to back, reaching to the butt, with red spear feather between and projecting beyond them. These are covered on the sides with strips of bustard, golden pheasant tail, peacock wing, mallard, and strands of swan dyed blue, red, and yellow, and peacock herl; topping over.
throat: Greeny blue hackle
body hackle: Claret
horns: Blue and Gold Macaw
sides: Jungle cock