Lady Amherst

Lady Amherst

Classic Salmon Fly, Salmon Fly (Artistic)

Tied By Arthur Heffernan

Hook: 3/0 blind eye reworked from Mustad 3366

Thread: Dannville Flymaster 3/0 white and black


tip: Silver twist

tag: Yellow floss

tail: Golden pheasant crest and teal

body: Large silver timsel(lagartun)

rib: Large silver twist(lagartun)

body hackle: Badger

throat: Teal

wing: 4 each Jungle Cock and Lady Amherst pheasant

topping: Golden pheasant

cheeks: Kingfisher

head: Ostrich herl


Created to fish Altantic Salmon in Quebec Canada in 1925, still fished to this day.