O’Niell’s Shad Crack
Tied By Darrell Olson
Hook: TMC 9394, Size 8
Thread: 210 Denier, Chartreuse
bead: 3/16 Diameter Slotted Bead, Red
weighted wire: (Optional) 0.015 Lead-Free Wire (10 Wraps)
tail: Marabou Blood Quill, Chartreuse
body: Medium Chenille, Chartreuse
Basically the shad crack is a beadhead woolly bugger except the body hackle is omitted.
Try other colors (Tail & Body/Beadhead) like; Pink/Blue, Black/Chartreuse, and White/Pink.
https://flyvault.net/wp-content/uploads/formidable/13/20240104_165642-150×150.jpg, https://flyvault.net/wp-content/uploads/formidable/13/20240108_142256-150×150.jpg, https://flyvault.net/wp-content/uploads/formidable/13/20240108_144814-150×150.jpg