Mar Lodge

Mar Lodge

Classic Salmon Fly

Tied By Rich LaMonte

Hook: Byron Bjerke Harrison Bartleet 3/0

Thread: Veevus 12/0 Black


tag: Lagartun flat silver tinsel

tail: Golden Pheasant Crest veiled with 2 small jungle cock feathers

butt: Black Ostrich Herl

body: Rear 1/3-flat silver tinsel, middle 1/3-black silk floss, front 1/3-flat silver tinsel

rib: Medium veevus silver oval tinsel

throat: Guinnea fowl

underwing: Golden Pheasant Tippets

wing: White Turkey, kori bustard, cinnamon turkey, Grey mottled turkey, florican bustard, Golden pheasant tail

sides: Barred wood duck flank, jungle cock

topping: Golden Pheasant Crest

horns: Blue and gold macaw tail fibers

head: Black
